Course structure 2019

The MOOC is composed of five modules, each comprising four to five units (of approximately 10 minutes each). The course lasts 11 weeks:

  • The participants will have 2 weeks to absolve one module ( consists of videos to watch, quizzes to make, module assignement to hand in)
  • While the next module starts, the participants will have one week time to evaluate the last module's assignement of peers
  • After module 5 (the last module) there is one week of the course remaining to evaluate the module 5's assignement of peers

Thus, after each module assignement a peer reviewing process has to be done. Each of the participants will have to hand in the module assignement and will have to evaluate another peer's assignment. Furthermore in case studies policymakers and experts will be invited to present and share cases they have managed themselves or in which they have participated. Students and researchers will be invited to propose cases identified in the course of their research work.

A project by