
10:45 Welcome coffee
11:00 Welcome & opening statement by the Ambassadeur & Chef de Mission Urs Bucher (Mission de la Suisse auprès de l'Union européenne)
11:05 Welcome & opening statement by Marc Bros de Puechredon (BAK Economics)
11:10 «The Concept of S3: Revisited» Presentation by Professor Dominique Foray (EPFL)
11:25 «Cutting edge technologies in the entrepreneurial discovery process» Presentation by Martin Eichler (BAK Economics)
11:40 «Sound base of evidence: The 3D picture of a region» Presentation by Dr Andrea Wagner (BAK Economics)
11:55 Presentation by and comments on previous presentations Peter Berkowitz, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (European Commission)
12:10 Smart specialisation: what are the key challenges for the years to come? Q & A followed by a panel discussion with all speakers Moderation by Jean Severijns
13:00 Networking lunch

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